Does anyone have any positive results using this drug?
I started it with Wellbutrin, I've been on wellbutrin first for a while, then stopped to find something to combat the anxiety directly, tried imipramine then remeron, both with pretty bad results, then went to Buspar and wellbutrin...
Wellbutrin worked wonders for my mood and coping ability, but nothing for the anxiety. It didn't make it any worse tho. Buspar since added has made the anxiety levels increase drastically. My Dr suggests staying on it for a little while longer to see if it works. I hear it takes longer than others for whatever reason.
The only period i was panic free was when my old doctor had me on Effexor and zyprexa. (misdiagnosis because of stupidity grr.) That only lasted for amonth since Zyprexa is HORRIBLE. i gained 15 lbs in that month....i slept all the time and was generally numb to everything.
I wonder if i should try a different Antipsychotic?
I just need something to get me thru the wait until CBT. ANYTHING!!