are you feeling any side effects now? because in the past i';ve either felt them again, or not. It's depended on the dose pretty much, when i went from 100 to 200 mgs of zoloft a day it was hell. but when i when up on effexor it wasn't so bad. So, i dont know. I'm on wellbutrin right now and dont remember feeling any side effect reoccur for more than a day after going up in dose...
Please try to contact your phamacist and doctor. They need to be aware of any side effects you are having. This will insure the proper dosages for you. Your pharmacist is an excellent resource to tap into.
Hope this helps,
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hi everyone. Until recently i have been on 10mgs of celexa and got on not to bad with it. My doctor has now put it up to 20mgs, but am i supposed to feel the side effects again. Been on 20mgs for 3 days now and is this supposed to happen.