Thanks, Rachel and mommzay.
I too have had those 2-3hr long attacks. That is when it was time to stop that baby with some Ativan. I used to use cig's and alcohol to stop it. To this day it is hard to stop using the alcohol...Yep, believe it or not I'm in a very successful Rock-n-Roll band. Talk about a strange individual dealing with Panic. It happens, I'll be Rock'in out in front of a couple hundred people and WAM! No way to stop it either..You can't tell people, " Hang on, I'm having a anxiety attack". If it get's out of control, I do take a Ativan while on stage...This is when you start getting the mixed signals. I love live music/ Playing in front of a crowd makes me uneasy... Funny thing was, I was playing Live music 10 yrs before this panic thing ever started. That's why I refuse to give it up. I will not give up anything I love for Anxiety's sake. I will give it up when I am ready to, not when I have to. That's what pushed the no cig's/no Alcohol/no fast food/ and joining weight watchers. I had the workout equipment in my house.(VOICE OF REASON) IT DON'T WORK!!
I joined the gym, that will work if you don't have anything to do in your life except go there. Plus the Gym always focuses on muscle and not cardio...What did work? The good ole high school track...Yep. #1 It doesn't cost anything. #2 Let your hard earned tax dollars work for you. #3 it's always open,I can fit it into any schedule. #4 It's never crowded like a gym. #5 It's a good place to take the family. #6 How many gym's can you take your dog into, (WALK THAT DOG) #7 It gives you a new feeling, ya know High School. Plus once you get used to going to it. You just might find yourself checking out a couple of games come football season. Talk about a comfortable place you can get into a crowd. What better than the place where you exercise in private on your own time.
Anyways, enough of my rambling on...
If I can get the sleep thing down. I'll be fine. Of course the band playing all nite long doesn't help any. Neither does the fact that I'm an insurance agent by day. You just gotta love knocking on strangers doors all day long. It's really good for anxiety isn't it.