NRT, chantix, hynotherapy etc are all just 'aids' to help when you quit. Unfortunately, none of them will serve as a magic potion. The quit, perhaps with the help of one of the above, MUST come from within you. You have to want to quit more than you want to smoke....until you reach that point in your own mind, you will continue to struggle.
Take a fresh look at how to approach your quit. Read through the site and start putting together a plan of action ~ learn how others have distracted themselves and coped when the quit starts to get tough.
When you are ready ..... and I mean really ready.... everything will fall into place and you too will be celebrating one week, one month, one year...
We are here for you when you are ready.
All the best,
Four years, one week, one day, 20 hours, 46 minutes and 57 seconds. 29397 cigarettes not smoked, saving �6,614.39. Life saved: 14 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 836
Hours: 22
Minutes: 6
Seconds: 9
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked