Melanie, HennaUK and all.
I appreciate your responses. I can't believe it's only been 4 days since I first revealed of my home and the situation. It feels like a month has gone by and everything was in slow motion.
I believed I really had a handle on my situation. I was absolutely, positively, 100%, without a doubt, SURE the root of my anxiety stemmed from years of being a workaholic, constantly stressed on the job, the stress of juggling family, career and home.
Life has thrown many a crisis my way. Each crisis was like a forest fire and I've managed to deal with each one by stomping out the flames. Until, the next crisis would hit me between the eyes. The first fire was left in smoldering embers while I stomped out the second, the third would fly past me, just out reach. I'd gather my resources to run and keep it from going aflame. When I looked back to see how well I'd done,
I had accomplished nothing. The smoldering embers had spread to create larger, many more uncontrollable fires. I kept coming and going until I got all turned around, couldn't remember how I got there, I couldn't find my way out. Fear would lead me, but Panic would overtake me and I followed.
I would follow it until it consumed me. Before I knew it, Panic was a part of me. No matter how I tried, I couldn't shake it and overcome the Trauma of each of those fires. I began to supress all of those memories
because of the intense fear I felt when remembering them.
The Trappings of everyday life would continue day in and day out with the same old juggling routine. Then one day, my legs and arms grew weary. So weary, I'd stand frozen unable to move. My legs felt as though I'd stepped into concrete. The more I tried to move, the harder the cement became. My arms throbbed and my shoulders sagged toward my knees. The sensation was as though I'd been kidnapped and wrapped in chains. Large iron-like cannon balls were draped from me and hung from my arms and neck. Fibromyalgia and I had become enemies of one another and I was now a prisoner in my own body. I couldn't breathe. The harder I tried, the the chains would tighten that much more until they finally made me sleep to escape the Agony.
Sleep would come to me many times in one night. But Pain would see to it that Sleep didn