I would love to come back and devote some time to helping new comers when I am more stable.
If you’re new, those first few weeks and months are tough, but so doable. It’s so worth overcoming them and walking through to the other side.
I promise. Now, not smoking is so second nature that I can hardly believe I ever had the habit.
I know I did though, because it took me forever to start my quit. I poked around here for a good 9 months before attempting to quit. I followed all of the suggestions in the road to success guide, except for signing a contract with another person. I felt that I was alone in this, which is why the board was so important to me in the first few months.
Eventually, right about 9 months quit, I fell on my face and it took my 5 or 6 months to get back up. Now, it’s been two years.
I am so grateful to this center for helping me to rid my soul of the nicodemon.
Thank you,
All of you,
PS I am OOF3 now because I had to re-register.