So, about a month ago, I was trying to get a job and somehow, smoking came into conversation, so I told this lady that I quit smoking 3 1/2 years ago and that I did it using this website. I showed her my N.O.P.E. bracelet (Not One Puff Ever) and I showed her my key chain that I got from being on the Hall of Fame, and wrote down the address. Well, today, I went back because I've been offered a job and she said that she got some patches through her Employee Assistance Program and that she's starting to quit the day after tomorrow!!! She chose the day after tomorrow, January 7th, because tomorrow is her birthday. Well, I told her that she might want to reconsider starting her quit tomorrow night so that her quit date is ON her birthday, which will be a special day for her and I found that having a special quit date REALLY helps because the junkie within will ALWAYS tell you that you can quit again another time, but if the quit date MEANS something to you, then yes, you can quit again, but you'll have to wait a whole nother year before you can quit on THAT date, and I found that to be a good motivator at times.
So anyways, I'm getting off track here. She said that she went to the website I gave her (THIS website) and she signed up and is going to use this site to help her along. So, I'm here to wish her the absolute BEST of luck and to welcome her to the site (even though I don't come here much anymore) and to show her what awesome people YOU all are. So, Lisa, if you're reading this and you found my post, PLEASE know that I'm TOTALLY here to support you in this AWESOME journey you are beginning!
Crave the Quit!