thanks bob and so nice to meet you, however looking at your 23 days your doing an awesome job anyways :-)) well done honey.
My new years resoloution was to drop by here more and post but sometimes its a tad difficult. I am a flight attendent and fly longhaul and dont always have access to a pc - and even if I do being stuck in deepest darkest africa or at the foothills of the himalayas its sometimes difficult to get a connection! However excuses, excuses, I vow to try and pop by and post more often! Have posted on some other threads today and really enjoyed myself - even though I should be in the gym trying to shed those extra kgs I have gained since my quit :-))
Well enough of my rambling, keep up the good work, stay strong and positive and I will be back later to check on you ;-)
x x
Ps think i may have a little reward for my 240/6000 stats hmmmmm??????
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 6/24/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 240 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,000 Amount Saved: �240.00 Life Gained: Days: 18 Hrs: 17 Mins: 18 Seconds: 56
I smoked far too many to even know!! I put 25 a day on my inital programme here but I think it was probably a lot more to be truthfull - I just didnt want to admit it! I even used to chain smoke 2 at a time before work ( after all I wouldnt have another one for 12-16 hours!) and before bedtime ( I wont be smoking till the morning ) and really any other time I could justify in my head having two at a time. Being honest now I probably was smoking nearer two packs a day and at $10 for 200 the cost didnt come into it! Gosh what have I done to my poor body....30-40 a day for 17 years, no wonder this time I have been left with a horrible wheeze (which I am still to scared to get checked out!!)
Having also quit for 2 1/2 years before I know that I have to be strong forever and sometimes still worry that I will be tempted by that nicodemon! The difference, this is my FOREVER quit, and I have you guys (((hugs))) NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE X X X X X X
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 6/24/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 240 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,000 Amount Saved: �240.00 Life Gained: Days: 18 Hrs: 17 Mins: 17 Seconds: 6
I smoked for 40 years, well maybe 36 or 37 if you count the other 6 quits. One lasting 2 1/2 years. It doesn't seem to matter how long you are not smoking, you must always be on your guard. I smoked 1 1/2 - 2 packs a day until 3 years ago. That was when I finally kicked myself outside to smoke and that helped me to cut down to about 18 a day. It was still a battle to keep the number down a bit and depended on those 18 just as much as I did the the pack or more. I remember one of the questions asked when quitting. "What are the things you associate with smoking" Are you kidding me????? Heck I couldn't even have a bath without a smoke. At least I couldn't do that outside. lol It's N.O.P.E for me now. Jo
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 10/26/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 115 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,300 Amount Saved: $414.00 Life Gained: Days: 15 Hrs: 9 Mins: 25 Seconds: 53