That sound amazing! I am having a better day today. Went to see my acupuncturist and she worked on my stress points. Feel little tender from where her needles were but doing much better. I also started on herbal pills for PMS!! I think my anxiety is triggered by hormonal changes. I have always had terrible spells of PMS and seem to have gotten worse with age. I am trying to go about things naturally to see if anything changes
hello, please relax to this
It is summer in the middle of Devon. There are huge fields of cereal and green pasture where dairy cows eat with no disturbance.Near the coast Herring Gulls screech and hover for fresh fish. The fresh sea breeze on your relaxed face as you consume a Devonshire cream tea,fresh strawberry jam and beautiful scones.In the shade of mature Beech trees there are beautiful fields of flax.Rich red common poppies and wild common flowers,with busy Bees hunting with everlasting concentration skills and the air full of seeds.
caroline, lee and colin