Unfortunately, this is part of the quitting. With time these "blah" moments will occur less and less. You are still in the early stages of your quit which are the hardest, continue to be strong!
Doing a fun activity is one of the top ways to boost your mood quickly. Some "mood boosters" include:
Physical activity
Taking a nap
Eating a piece of chocolate
You are almost done your second week, have you planned a reward for yourself?
Members, what are some of your favourite mood boosters?
I just posted a while ago on another forum and I was feeling good, happy etc. Now im blah again. Is this still part of quitting? Lonliness is still something I struggle with along with missing my kids. Im trying to get some reading done I need to do and Its hard to concentrate. Oh boy, now is the time when smoking sounds good. This is no fun.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 10/14/2009 Smoke-Free Days: 10 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 200 Amount Saved: $61.50 Life Gained: Days: 1 Hrs: 16 Mins: 50 Seconds: 17