Rose, you didn't let any of us down. This quit has to be all about you and nobody else. Take the next couple weeks to really plan out this quit. My buddy Jim taught me that preparation is key to success! Go through "my program" so you have a plan in place for the stressful moments. Remember that smoking isn't going to fix, cure, reduce, eliminate, repair, or replace anything! Read as much as you can as there is a wealth of knowledge on the SSC site. Use the search feature to see how other members have dealt with quitting. The temporary inconveniences of quitting will yield HUGE permanent results! Stay close as you approach June as we'll all be rooting for your success!
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 8/20/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 635
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 25,400
Amount Saved: $6,350.00
Life Gained:
Days: 97 Hrs: 19 Mins: 59 Seconds: 2