For whatever reason you find yourself here at the site today, it is at the very least a sign that you are showing some interest in quitting, or some middle ground in going to give it a try, or bound and determined to make it happen this time.
Because I smoked long, the luster of bound and determined was over used from so many unsuccessful attempts to quit. There was always something that came up that made me reach for that helping hand, my crutch and my friend; it could be no other way. I was doomed to be a smoker until the day that I died. Yes give me another nail for the coffin.
But wait something remarkable happened this time? What made it happen? Was I wiser or just plain had enough? Was it luck or deep desire? Was I thinking about cancer, cost of smoking, the very real inconveniences of smoking, my smokeless friends, my wife, my weakness, my freedom, my endurance, my strength, my hacking, my life long goal? Yes I was. And now I enjoy a life without these headaches and I don’t think of or care to smoke.
I would like you to consider some of my reasons for quitting perhaps some will ring true with you. While you are here and thinking about this, let's keep considering this. Keep the thought in the forefront because it may seldom or rarely come to mind as in every five years as it did for me.
So, prepare and let this time be your time. Assure your success by sticking to one day at a time.