Lolly, congratulation on being smoke free for 6 years!! You were here when I first came to this site and you are still here. Folks, this lady is always giving back and what an example. Lolly, you have fought this battle and you have fought others and each one you have come out a WINNER !!! I am so happy to know you.
Lolly, what a wonderful number 2191 is! Congratulations on 6 smoke free years! And on this day of Thanksgiving in the US, there is so much to be thankful for! I know you are thankful for your freedom from smoking! Please find a nice reward to celebrate this milestone! Here's to the next 6 smoke free years, and beyond!
Lolly Congratulations on 6 years of freedom. You've come so far and inspire others to follow your lead. Thank you for staying here and showing us the way. Excellent for you. breather
I does feel a very long time since I quit smoking....I suppose 6 years is a very long time!
There are very few people left who were around when I quit, but those who knew me know that this site played a massive part in my successful quit. I recommend it to all new quitters and those thinking about it.
Of late I have noticed a huge lack of sticking power in so many new quitters. It seems as if one tiny glitch can make them give up and smoke that one that takes them down the slippery path. They say they are determined to quit and it is so important to them, then out of the blue they are saying they are sorry they slipped. Posting here and chatting to others in the same situation can help so much BEFORE smoking that one cigarette.
I'm celebrating my quit here today, but I do this everyday anyway each time I see my Hall Fame Key ring in the door to my house, and when I think of the FREEDOM I have gained from quitting.
Be Positive! Remain Strong! and Whatever it Takes...Just Don't Smoke!!!