Martin Luther famously said, "Sin boldly, but believe more boldly still." I excel at both, but with your wonderful support, I'm placing a little more weight on believing more boldly in myself.
I'll be back more often, but have a weird (but most definitely smoke free) couple of days ahead of me.
Nice to have you back. I think the universe was testing you, as it does with each of us. Like the smoke drifting towards you as you try to resist, it will give you lots of opportunities to make choices. So, this is a great learning opportunity! I agree that it would be a productive idea to figure out why you had that smoke... maybe a feeling of bonding with that fellow?
I think it's positive and interesting that this caught you so off guard. That is a good sign!
Welcome back. and hey don't let this slip come into your way. i have been there myself and can understand ur situation. i had a slip which made me feel so down that i started smoking again and after 8 months i am starting my quit again from scratch and i have so many regrets.
lesson learnt: Dont get disheart coz of just one slip. That was just a slip. It hasnt made u a smoker again.
just remember that one slip doesnt mean anything. instead u should be more motivated coz now u know at least one more situation which u should avoid in the future. and remember that we all are here for each other.
I am a little repetitive in my posts today but I will say it again. Be gentle with yourself....this is a lot to go through but you can do it! Don't focus on why or how you slipped.....focus on what you can do to get back up and continue fighting the good fight! Think about what you learned from your slip and then move on. You did mention that it comes down to NOPE and I agree that it is completely true. Don't torture yourself more than you have to.....go back over all of the tools on the site and any that you have developed on your own. If you haven't already.....I strongly recommend getting Allan Carr's Easyway to quit smoking.....extremely helpful. Thanks for being here and being such an amazing support to everyone it's your turn! I (amoung everyone else) am here to support and encourage you in every way. Just remember N.O.P.E....have a great day!
Pete, welcome back. Know what you are going though and it is hard to get that traction back, but you will. Why we do what we do always amazes me. I bet you knew exactly what you were doing when you took that cigarette and yet you did. Been there (???) how many times myself. The smell definitely helps me as a reminder of why I don't want to smoke again. Temptation has been at my door several times during this quit, but for some reason I am stronger this time (today). You do what you have to do and join us. I don't care how many times one has to try as long as you are trying you are a winner in my book.
Just a thought, wear a rubber band if the demon knocks at your door snap it, it will get back on track . I did that on one of my quits and it worked quite well until I stopped working it. Glad you are back.
Welcome back Peteg Been wondering where you were ? There's one thing for sure and that is when you're trying to stop smoking the smoke will float directly to you. I would ask you to seriously contemplate why it is that you keep doing this to yourself ? It's painful to watch you torture yourself like this. You are the most important person here and I sincerely mean that. breather