Look at you go R2Q! Congratulations! Yes, rewards are great and the more money you save, the more rewards you can get, so quitting really helps you gets more rewards and the rewards help to stay quit - sounds like a winning strategy to me!
As of right now, I have been smoke-free for 7 days, 9 hours, and 30 minutes. I've saved $110.63 by not smoking 148 cigarettes. Woohoo!
My reward is... on Saturday I am going to XS Freight (it's like Winners - brand name rejects, but bigger, better, and even cheaper!) and blowing at least $200 on whatever I like. I know I want to get a Betty Crocker 7-piece cookware set for $19.99 and a 7-piece Queen-size comforter set for $39.99. Beyond that... whatever catches my eye.