So very glad you stopped by. Words can not describe my gratitude for the help you gave me when I first arrived at the SSC and started my quit. You gave me the tools I needed to get the job done. Over the last 7 years you have helped so many people and many of them are still here helping others get started. I can only say THANK YOU.
So many great achievements to be proud of! At the top of your list must be the fact that you are a wonderful role model for your son, as well as members on this site!
Congratulations on your master's degree Rusty! Wow! Thank you for sharing this inspiration and letting us know that it can be done! Good luck to your son with his quit too! Eyja
Thanks for coming back to share with us Rusty! Your accomplisments are truely inspirational to us all! I smoked like a chimney - forever! I know I only quit because I have a different attitude about my addiction this time around. Now instead of poor me it's lucky me! I listen to a guy I used to smoke with every morning and am thankful I don't have to cough like that - anymore.
Haven't been here in ages and ages, but thought I'd stop in and say hello to old and new friends. I rarely if ever think about smoking any more, which is why I don't come here I guess. I will have been quit 7 years in December. Since my quit, I received my master's degree and will be done in December with coursework for my doctorate. I can't imagine that I would have done those things had I not quit.
One of my sons has been quit for nearly a month, but he's gone the patch route. I encouraged him to come here, but he feels the more he talks about smoking, the more he wants to smoke, so gotta respect that. He is experiencing a lot of anger moments just like I did, and I've encouraged him to seek out an anger management or substance abuse counselor -- that was a tremendous help to me.