Hi Kristen, I am so Proud of You for going 6 months without a Cigarette, and I'm Proud of You even more for only being 24 years old and trying to give up the Love You have had for those cigarettes for a few years, it must be so hard on You, I was 65 when I finally got up enough Courage and Confidence to actually Quit, But I have had help like You, I could NOT have done it without the help of S,S,C, Plain and Simple, and I did use the Bantrom pill for 6 weeks, and that really helped me get over the hump,
I smoked almost a pack and a half a day for like 40 years, I could almost eat a cigarette at times, My last cigarette was on March 10th, 2003, and not One cigarette has touched my lips since, I will say this:; If I can Quit, then Anyone can, If I could Kristen, I would gladly give You a Big Hug for Your Effort so for, I hope Your days now are as Happy as mine are, and that all Your days will be full of Joy and Happiness, Just stay close to S,S,C, You can't go wrong, Good Luck my friend, Moonbeam