Dear Working on it,
I am sorry to hear about your quit.
I imagine that smoking all day did not help you with your emotional never does. Many of us had terrible personal problems throughout our quits, and most of us know that smoking even one cigarette does not help with the problem. It is very hard to cope with personal issues when you are quitting, as we always used cigarettes as our emotional crutch to 'get us through' such difficulties.
Everyone handles a quit differently...You have decided to reduce your cigs gradually. This way is not for everyone, but does it work for you?
Maybe you need a little time out to think through what quitting means to you.....maybe you would be better preparing for and then starting a complete quit...Not One Puff Ever.
Initially it's a harder way to go, but with Nicotine aids etc. you may not find it too difficult. What you are doing at the minute is to keep feeding your emotional dependence on cigarettes, as well as your physical dependence. Do give it some serious thought!
Sorry if I seem to be too harsh in this post, but saying it's OK to smoke as a way out of problems will not help you either. Giving in to the 'Nicodemon' is exactly what your addiction be fed regularly.
Many of us also failed with quits and it took us many attempts to get it right. You can do this too! Good Luck with your plans.