Hello everyone,
Every now and then I check this website to see how you all are and to look at my stats.
Tomorrow is april 1th. 6 Years ago I smoked my last cigaret. Never had one puff again and I never will.
It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I was a heavy smoker, smoked over 30 cigs a day.
During my smokingyears I always told people that I would never, ever quit. But I did it and it was not as hard as
I always thought it would be.
I discovered that it was more a habbit then an addiction. Once I knew that I changed my life and wrote a book about quitting smoking,
The title was: Help!! There is a cigaret between my ears.
Once a smoker changes his thoughts about smoking, it will be easier to quit.
I wish all the quitters good luck and many smokefree days, months and years.
Love, Dutch.