Thank you all for the congrats.
I'm really happy with you guys. I will stop by more because I think I can be a help to some quiters.
Here in Holland I help people quitting. My doctor sends them to me.
Mostly they are ill and have lungproblems. I help them for free.
Sometimes they are really dumb....(sorry). A woman came here and she needed help.
She came back from the hospital, she had a stroke. She did go on smoking though so I told her that it maybe was
better to get some nicotinetablets or gum. No, she said, I am not allowed to take nicotine....
Who told you that? I asked. She said: My doctor said I can never ever take nicotine...
But you still smoke I said. Yes, I do but I need to stop. Then take the nicotinegums I said again.
No, she said, I'm not allowed.....She didn't understand me and finally I gave up.
She still smokes and will probably the rest of her life.
Anyway.....If anyone need help, feel free to ask me.
Have a nice day :)