I tell myself everyday I do not smoke is a miracle. I also can find a hundred excuses to smoke... Just no good reason. We don't want to say it but we are addicts; addicted to nicotine. Addicts have the only disease that tells them they do not have it, it talks to us. I am very edgy when all of my family comes home on the weekends; normally during the week I am home alone. Yet, I have told them as well as myself, that it is going to take some time for me to get through this. My body, my brain all of me is going through major withdraw, chemical changes, all kinds of things. I am trying to learn new behaviors physically and emotionally while not smoking. The biggest thing to tell your significant other that this is about you not him.. that you may need some time and space to get through the rough part of quitting, or that you may be a little nuts..LOL for a bit. It is all normal.. as far as whether its real.. it is but it may not be HIS fault as much as it is withdraw. Keep up the great work, and breathe, take a bath, go for a walk, journal, whatever it takes to not smoke. You can do this!!