Hi Ashley, The first few months of my quit I avoided places where I knew people would be smoking but I also knew that I would have to deal with smokers eventually. So at first I would avoid going to the local VFW Hall where smoking is permitted(big time!) After awhile though I started to go there again and found it was really not a problem. I remembered A passage from Joel Spitzer (sp?) advising to watch how people actually smoked. Every 20 minutes or so another one got lit and I knew I did not want to smoke like that again. Then, after a year or so, I realized that I just didn't want to go there anymore. The atmosphere is just too unpleasant. I still visit with my friends from there but I see them in others places now.
A lot of new quitters have a hard time adjusting to their new smoke-free life. They find it hard to socialize with their old friends and frequent their old hang-outs. Let’s hear some tips or techniques that have helped you settle in to your new lifestyle.