If I have your approval then will do! Lets get down to business then! I am not trying to be some smartass that comes in here to change the system and how things work around here but let me point out a few things....
If you look at what's really going on here on this website. It's much, much more then getting people to quit and educate people. If you look at any other stop smoking website out there if you google. Nothing rivals this site. No other site goes to the extreme this site goes through to ensure that the moment someone signs up that they have a better chance to succeed on their journey to quit not just smoking but other health issues linking this site to other sites.
Between the program this site has set up, the links to other sights (alcohol, stress management, fitness and well being etc...), free imaginary boat rides when you hit 50 day smoke free, the little box that tells you how many cigs you avoided, how much time of your life saves, etc, the phone app. the tools, blogs, appearance of the site......I can go on and on! Most important are the health educators. Let me point out there are not just one but three health educators. I am not sure if these health educators get paid or are they just volunteers, but these are people that spent tens of thousands if not hundred of thousands of dollars for their education, to log onto this site as health advisors to this site.....
That being said let me put this all into perspective. I went to the very first posts of this entire site. It dates back to 2002, although the site originated in 2000. If we are talking this site being up since 2002, the person, persons, group, or company went through great lengths, time and dedication to put this entire site and its linking sites together. In order for this site to be up and running with all it's features and for how long its been up it takes a lot of money! I mean a lot of money. This site was intended so that when a member signs up they have the best possible chance to succeed! The money involved into this site makes other quit smoking/health education site look like a joke.
So here my two-sense. Just going through threads I notice that majority of the members of this site are regulars. What I mean by regulars are its members are people that signed up months and years, ago. Very rare that I see fresh new member that actually signed up as a member in 2013. We are well into 2013. If you look at any given months in the new users forum. You only get a handful of new members, and the words and encouragements and active posters are the same exact people. The I would say more then 1/2 of those new member disappear after 1-2 days, never to be seen again. No more post from them.
All I see are older members that have been part of this sight for months, 1 year, 2 year, 3 years and majority of the active thread users are these people. Even the most recent posters are well into months of their quits. My whole point here is you have a bunch of people months, years, and even decades logging on to encourage each other to say smoke free. Although that's great but reality is as time goes on you find a whole of nonsmokers encouraging each other. So my whole point if you are talking about inactivity, that's simply because you get the same active people logging on day after day, months after months, and even year after year encouraging each other, but there are no new people to encourage.
At some point the regulars are going to get tired of logging on only to see the same people to encourage them to stop a habit they already kicked. From a business point of view, there are simply not enough new members signing up so that the guys that been there and done that to have new people to mentor, share their stories, and encourage.
As a new member to the site and being part of two other sites. I see how special this place is. I just don't want to log on one day and not see it here.
Maybe I am just stressing and overthinking this too much!