Now, before you quit, is a good time to try an experiment. When people are preparing to quit, they take small steps - like delaying or cutting out certain cigarettes, they practice not smoking around certain people, or maybe stop smoking entirely in certain places (their home or car).
Today, start taking small steps. What small step can you take?
Could you…
Delay your first cigarette of the day by fifteen minutes. When you’re about to have your next cigarette, look up at a clock and wait 15 minutes?
Give up just one cigarette today. Which one would be the easiest to give up? Which one would be the hardest to give up? The one in the car on the way to work? The one you have right after dinner? Pick just one.
Start to reduce. Break a few of your cigarettes in half. (if you smoke don’t smoke half a cigarette and put it back in the pack – actually break it in half and throw the top part away)?
Take one small step and see how you do. You might be surprised on how this helps you prepare and feel confident about your ability to progress... and quit!