carol - just coming back from my vay-cay and you are leaving today! you sound prepared! think you will be just fine. i didn't prepare for anything, just did my usual, winging it... still smoke free...
hope you have a spectacular time hiking and enjoying mother nature! xo
Good luck on your first trip Carol, I hope you have a lovely time.
Remember to reep the benefits of being a non-smoker. I have every confidence that you will return a non-smoker and remember to be happy that another first is complete in this new life.
Tomorrow I leave on my first vacation as a non-smoker in almost 40 years!!!
Many stressors are removed; a plane ride without cigs, where can I smoke at the hotel, how long between stops so I can smoke, etc. But a few new stressors have appeared LOL. What if another tour member smokes? They still allow smoking at some of these out of the way restaurants in Montana, Idaho, etc.
My Quit Kit is ready and will be with me at all times. It is stocked with SF gum and candy, nic gum (just in case!) and most importantly my affirmation cards that I can use to screw my head back on straight if cravings hit and self doubt creeps in. Also I will always have water with me!
Wish me luck, the new non-smoking me is venturing out on her first trip, of many to come!!!