It's very quiet on this site at weekends, as you may have noticed, however, it's great to see an 'oldie' popping in to show it can be done.(I am an 'oldie' too.)
Congrats on your quit! I'm glad you are doing so well. Why don't you stay a little while and help some of the new quitters?!
I thought about this site today and thought I'd post to see how everyone is doing with their quit and try to give some encouragement. I was on a different forum today and came across the name of "vicki is ok". I remember her when I was on this site daily which believe it or not is almost 9 years ago and I say that as I quit smoking in 2005 when I turned 50 and will turn 59 in June this year. So almost 9 years, not quite yet. Again this is the best thing I could have done for myself, being smoke free for this long is such a milestone for me. I smoked for 30 years. So many times I would come down with some bronchitis ailment, wheezing, coughing. A lot of the wheezing was when I was sleeping and now I am proud to say that doesn't happen anymore. (At least I'm told I don't). But anyway, again I just want to reemphasize that quitting is hard but you can do it. It is so worth it. I will stop rambling now and good luck to everyone with their quit. This site did it for me.