Found this on a website today and thought it was pretty good. Thought you might get a chuckle out of it. Laughter IS the best medicine, especially on a quit....
Quitting Smoking
~ Finding The Humor ~
Dear Diary: Last night I gave up smoking. So far so good. I have been awake 15 minutes, and aside from a nagging craving, I seem to be OK. Maybe quitting wont be so hard.
Dear Diary: Well, it has been 2 days now. It has been stressful, and I really feel a bit overwhelmed. Cant write more. I gotta go to the store and buy some food. Somehow I am out of EVERYTHING.
Dear Diary: Day 3 has been quite hard, but I am surviving. Of course my spouse is a bit on my nerves, but other than that I am fine.
Dear Diary: What the Hell was I thinking. It has been 4 days, and my spouse wont speak to me. The kids break out in tears every time I enter the room. I only think about smoking 3 or 4 times...per second.
Dear Diary: I think I have it worked out with the spouse and kids. They moved out. Said I could visit them sometime next week. It has only been 5 days, but I feel healthier already. I can breath. Ran outta food again today (boy food goes fast), but I was too depressed to go to the store. Dog chow isn't half bad if you chew it slowly.
Dear Diary: Day 6 was a breeze. I didn't get out of bed once, and I slept 20 hours. The other 4 were hard, but I managed.
Dear Diary: There outta be a law that allows you to go postal when situations permit. I got to see the kids for a minute today, and things went well until my youngest decided she didn't want to stay at the Holiday Inn anymore. Tears everywhere. That's when I told her she was adopted. (She wasnt). (If she is gonna cry, she should have a reason). My spouse says I can see the kids again in a month.
Dear Diary: Hell week officially ended yesterday. I am so strong now, I know I can make it......I can make it to Dunkin Donuts, to the Ben and Jerry's,I feel great.....
Dear Diary.... Day 8. I have eaten a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's, a box of Oreos, and a small child. I am sure my breath is better, but I couldn't say for sure. I have brushed my teeth 15 times today, mainly to give me a break from eating.
Dear Diary: I know this is gonna sound gross, but I haven't gone to the bathroom 'right' in almost 4 days. I can pee up a storm, but the other thing isn't working too well. Feeling a bit backed up.....Maybe that is why I am grumpy. Maybe it has nothing to do with not smoking...
Dear Diary: Day 9 and I have gone out on a ledge, I have walked the edge, and I survived to tell about it. I spoke on the telephone today. 10 whole minutes, and no smoke! What a great day. The spouse tells me I can visit the kids tomorrow!
Dear Diary: I think the kids are starting to like the Holiday Inn too much. They have started calling the housekeeper Mom. Compared to my last visit, they were calm and well behaved. Plus, they had food out.
Dear Diary: My family had the nerve to tell me that as I smoker they felt I loved my smokes more than I loved my family. Of course I loved my smokes more than my family. My smokes never asked for a thing..And as for shortening my life, I am pretty sure smoking pack upon pack has not shortened my life much at all. Watching my children fall off a moving bike has shortened my life considerably. Hearing the screech of car tires has taken years off my life.
Dear Diary: Day 14. Any chemical addiction to nic is now gone. Now it is just me and my mind. And I gotta tell you that my mind is causing some problems. Clearly, as a smoker, I had no brain. (who would smoke if they had a brain), yet as a nonsmoker, my brain causes nothing but hassles for me...I want this, I want that.
Here are my stats. A lot of butts not smoked. A lot of food eaten instead. A bit of my life saved by not smoking, much more of my life lost by arguing with my family. Some money saved by not buying smokes, much more lost on Ben and Jerry.
Maybe week 3 will bring good things.....
Dear Diary: Well, I made it to day 15. I cant believe I ever wanted a cigg in my life. I am SOOOOOOO over them now. Wouldn't even consider smoking. This was So much easier than I thought it would be. Didn't consider smoking even one time today. Probably wont write again for a while.
Dear Diary: Oh MY GOD I NEED TO SMOKE. I ate everything in my house today, I want to smoke so bad. I want a cigg now. I used the key that my neighbor gave me in case she lost hers. She has 3 boxes of Ho-Ho's in the cupboard. I should say Had......I will replace them later. Right now I just wanna lick an ashtray.
Dear Diary: Well, I made it to day 17. I cant believe I ever wanted a cigg in my life. I am SOOOOOOO over them now. Wouldn't even consider smoking. This was So much easier than I thought it would be. Didn't consider smoking even one time today. Probably wont write again for a while.
Dear Diary: I found out today that my cousins sister in law's neighbor's youngest child's hamster just died. How am I supposed to quit with all this stress in my life?
Dear Diary: Well, I made it to day 19. I cant believe I ever wanted a cigg in my life. I am SOOOOOOO over them now. Wouldn't even consider smoking. This was So much easier than I thought it would be. Didn't consider smoking even one time today. Probably wont write again for a while.
Dear Diary: Day 20. I decided to paint things in my house black. Just like the song. It wasn't bad in one bedroom, but doing the ceiling black might have been too much. Painting the cat black was definitely overboard. I only half finished painting my kid when the spouse came home. They went back to the Holiday Inn. I did what any sane adult would do. I covered myself with a blanket and cried for 3 hours.
Dear Diary: Well, I made it to day 21. I cant believe I ever wanted a cigg in my life. I am SOOOOOOO over them now. Wouldn't even consider smoking. This was So much easier than I thought it would be. Didn't consider smoking even one time today. Probably wont write again for a while.
~Author Unknown~