I hope you're still staying strong. For me, I find it helps to just deal with the cravings one at a time. I try not to get too caught up thinking about how hard it will (or won't) be in the future. Find a strategy that works for you to get through the individual cravings. They go away after a few minutes right. For me, it's push-ups or chugging a cup or two of water. I've also found watching a funny or interesting youtube clip is a way to distract myself for a few minutes. By the time I'm done with the clip, the craving is usually gone. Good Luck! Keep up the good work!
So it's day 3........and while I've been handling the irritability much better than any of my previous quits, the cravings today are the so bad you can taste them cravings. I just want them to go away and I know I probably will feel this way for months right now. Normal cravings I can stand, the nagging you can taste it cravings no!
My husband still smokes and luckily he only smokes in his office or outside now! I got my candles going and my fan is keeping me cool but still how in the heck do I handle days like these?