Dreams like you described are super common for quitters. If you look back into the forums you will see lots of quitters have very similar dreams. The nico-demon sure is tricky! I am glad you didn't let it phase you. Nice work!
Haha....it sure lS a monster. It hangs on for ages (well it feels like ages) Yesterday l tried to quit the nicotine spray lm using and thoughts of smoking came flooding in. l wasnt prepared for that. Youre right....the mental part of this is so powerful. For some reason l used to think once l had a couple of weeks under my belt ld be right as rain....not the case. Eternal vigilance is required.
We have both come so far already and its so wonderful. I cant see myself going back and undoing all the hard work...ld hate to have to do this all over again but certain situations do make the ugly monster rear its head at me. I cant wait until l can stop fighting and never think of smoking at all.
Until then every time it tries to get at us and we resist is another win and is making us stronger and more resilient. We will conquer!!
Hi Sparrow! You know it's just so amazing how this terrible addition finds all kinds of ways to attempt to sneak in and grab a hold of you. When I was smoking I didn't realize how badly this addition had a hold of me. Sure the nicotine part I understood, but the mental part of this I don't think I realized until I tried to break the chains it had on me. All the emotions and situations that arise just in one day at times can be quite overwhelming. Even after being 25 days smoke free, it still finds it's way in at times trying to get me back in it's ugly grasp. I am so glad I found this group where I can share and other folks can relate to what I am feeling and going through. Staying strong, one minute, one hour, one day at a time. I know I can beat this monster!!!
Hows that?! The nico-demon cant get you to smoke the normal way so now its attacking your subconscious to see if it has better luck there....thats just sneaky. Good for you for standing your ground and not being moved by the underhanded mode of attack. I bet you were relieved when you realised it was a dream....phew.
24 days and going strong!!! Amazing Pappy!! Im so happy for you
24 days smoke free today and I still have those moments where my brain tells me I really need a smoke. Sorry, NOT Happening. I thought though that I should share this latest mind game the beast is trying to play with me. I can't say up to this point that I have had any problems with sleep or even strange dreams. Yet last night I dreamt I was visiting friends and the first thing I did when I arrived was grab a cigarette and light up. Then I began to panic as to where I left my pack of cigarettes so I could have another. At that point I woke up and realized this was just a dream. I have to say this demon just finds so many ways to try to tempt you. Sorry nico demon, I am still smoke free and plan on staying that way. Sorry for the rant but just had to share that experience with all of you today.