Hi Sparrow. Great post, here is my quit journey so far.
I have to admit I really believed I enjoyed smoking until I quit. Then I realized that annoying cough was gone.
Every time I thought about quitting I would talk myself out of it thinking it was too late and just too hard.
How was I going to handle work with out having my crutch?
When I was bored what was I going to do with my time now that I can't have a smoke.
Finally realizing how this nasty addiction was controlling every aspect of my life from the moment I got out of bed to the time I went to bed every day.
No longer counting smokes to make sure that I had enough to make it through the rest of the day and then realizing I was going to run short.
No longer rushing through meals so I could run outside to have another smoke.
Looking at that quit meter and realizing how much money I have wasted over a lifetime of smoking and the only beneficiary was the corporations who kept adding things to cigarettes to keep me hooked. Plus not realizing that was how much smoking I really did. Over 920 cigarettes in 46 days. Good god, that's a lot of smokes when I look at the stats.
Learning what foods, drinks, emotions and even some people are really hardcore triggers for me and learning how to deal with those without having to use my addiction to get through.
Feeling so proud of myself knowing that I have been able to make it this far without touching a cigarette.
I know the journey has just begun and that there are still some rough roads to travel, yet knowing the things I have been able to conquer with out smoking to this point give me the courage to continue fighting through this. It just proves that I can do this, I just need to stay strong even in my weakest moments.