Congrats on quitting ecigs! When it comes to breathing it is best to get it checked out by a medical professional. A doctor will be able to properly assess you.
Hi, I’m new to the community. I’m 18 years old and very active physically. I smoked e cigs for about 6 months and have been smoke free since March 4 ( 3 1/2) months. I am very concerned as hu month 2 I started getting very short of breath and a bad cough. Is this normal during recovery? Is it my lungs healing? I went to the doctor and got my chest and lungs checked along with an X-ray as well, everything was normal. Is this asthma? My family has had no history with it. Or does this usually go away? I read something about how this could be the cilia repairing and my lungs are healing. I’m very confused and concerned and any help or advice and guidance would be appreciated. Please let me know if you went through this as well, and for how long you did and if this is normal.