You indicated that your drinking pattern is 4 drinks per week, is that correct? Is it possible you checked off 4 drinks per day in the assessment? Please review your answers or redo the test because the assessment will be based spefically on consumption and frequency.
If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption, try the exercise on "Do I drink too much" under Getting Started in your toolbox.
Please keep us posted on your progress and good luck!
I'm wondering if a moderator can help me understand some results of the check your drinking quiz .... I tried to enter my 'goal' drinking pattern and see how I would rate in that scenario (150 lb female, 2 drinks each of Friday and Saturday night, maximum 4 drinks in any given session, with no blackouts or regretable consequences in the 'past' year) and I still came out as being in a high risk for problem drinking ... I don't understand, even the guidelines for safer consumption seem to say that the criteria I suggested would be reasonable ... what am I missing? Is my goal still considered dangerous drinking?