I'm sorry you are going through this tough and scary situation, if I could I would watch your dogs for you so you could go to the hospital. Is there any way to get a second opinion from another doctor about home detoxing? I know in the past sometimes I have gotten different results/answers from another doctor that worked better for me. I know your GP is trying to do what is safe for you but maybe she doesn't know as much about alcoholism as much as another Dr. My dr. gave me the meds before tests on my liver etc, were done.
Now of course it depends on consumption and he couldn't tell by physically examining me that my liver was enlarged, so of course there are those differences.
Is there any way that you could have your mom stay at your place and look after your dogs while you go to the hospital or vise versa, or if you could get a dr. to give you detox meds, could you stay with your mom for your safety and bring your dogs? Is there a neighbour that could take the dogs in for you?
I wish I had more ideas, if I can think of anything I will let you know. Take care orange!
It sounds like you're very committed to quitting immediately. While you wait for the results from your doctor, is there anything you can do to change your routine in order to move away from the past? What goals can you set for yourself for moving towards healthy behaviour change? Who can support you in those goals? What challenges do you foresee and how can they be overcome? Putting down these thoughts on paper may help you establish a clear quit plan for the short to medium term future.
Okay.... so my issue is well... liver damage. I want to stop IMMEDIATELY... I'm motivated and keen. I drink HUGE amounts..... 4 litres a day of wine... for a significant amount of time. My Dr. wants to do "tests" to determine what is medically safe...... and I (being a complete pessimist with the health care system) thinks every day... my liver gets worse...... I need to quit. And I need to quit NOW. My Dr. wants more blood work (she has already told me my bilrubiin? levels are elevated (no kidding my eyes are YELLOW), I've had four Dr's tell me my liver is "very enlarged"... My GP told me that my liver has moved from "distress" to "damage"... The sooner I quit... the more chances my liver can help itself... Yet the medical system... well creates huge delays. I have two dogs, and I live alone... I have contacted the humane society, have put out free ads on on line postings.... and have spoken to my Mom (who lives three hours away)..... I am so anxious to start DETOX that I am working through a phone schedule with my Mom..... where if I can't connect with her every two hours.. she should call 911.... How sad is that?
Advice? Guidance? My Dr. is very concerned about detox, given the amount and length of time... and wants all these tests which takes..... along time. I am more concerned about GETTING STARTED NOW. I need to start now...
I truly need to start now.
Any thoughts, advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.