I also work full time and wonder if the pace and demands of life these day make it very difficult to extract ourselves from the frenzy of keeping up. I truly believe that healing this disease will require a change of pace. A willingness to set time aside to confront this challenge and caring enough about ourselves to protect the time that we need to reflect, gain support from others and to be present in our feelings. I am so impressed that you have made it so far, but I also know - from experience - that we cannot let our guards down. We need to remain connected to people who will support us and learn to accept our limitations. All these things I can say, but you are so far ahead of me. Be strong, even in your moments of weakness. And if you give in - don't give up. Be strong and true to your self. I believe that if you have come this far - you can succeed!
One thing I know about life in general is that we are all going to have bad days. I think the bad days are there to help us grow change and learn.As horrible as they are, ugh! I feel like saying "just give me a break"! Keep posting Hon, your life is worth it!
To them, their alcoholic life seems the only normal one. They are restless, irritable and discontented, unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few drinks-drinks which they see others taking with impunity.
The above is from the Doctors opinion of the book called Alcoholics Anonymous. Now after we quit drinking our internal discomfort is still there. We need to overcome that dis-ease. Thats where the 12 steps come in. It helps us overcome the spiritual malady. There is free workshops on the internet (you will find the link on my blog) please start listening to them. You will see, just by stopping drinking will not work. we need a psychic change.
It sounds like you are having one of those days. It happens to all of us; where everything seems wrong and you just want to crawl into a ball and hide or run away from everything. I'm not going to say I know exactly what you are going through because I don't but I can relate to how you are feeling now. Remember this will pass. It may not seem like it now but it will. Try not to think about future plans when you are feeling this way as everything can seem distorted. If, when you are feeling better you decide you want to leave your job, then come up with a plan and take steps then. Now be easy on yourself and do some things just for you. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to sit on the couch and veg then go ahead. Be gentle with yourself.
Congratulations on being 5 days away from 3 months! This is huge! You have come so far so please try to take a moment to feel proud.
We are right here with you. You are not alone. Vent as much as you want and we will listen.
I work full time and feel like quitting. I can't stop crying today and wonder if this is normal. I'm 5 days away from 3months of sobriety and don't understand why I feel sooooo crappy.
I have only been to 2 meetings so far and after working all day at a job that is soooo gruelling, I just want to go home and watch TV or be on the internet.
I want to quit here sooooo bad, but as I have nothing saved.
I wonder why I'm doing this. I'm sober, alone and really fustrated. I don't mean to bring any one down by my rant.