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More about Alcoholism

for 12 år siden 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi vencinza, my use of alcohol was negative with every relationship i had and with any that i have managed to hold on to...there is no place for alcohol in my life.....i am grateful to hav learned the truth about my consumption and the serendipity that brought me to this realization....i am not a person that can drink, period....the negatives in my life are being replaced by positives,  thankfully, our society is supportive and tolerant and i am grateful for this forum, the support and understanding, the encouragement, without alcohol i can b honest, accepting of life and others, and live according to morals...i admire and respect anyone facing this issue and truly wish them success.....the support of others who hav been there is wonderful....no one expects perfection, but overcoming addiction is a journey towards peace, serenity, active self knowledge and care for others... take care
for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone,

Very interesting discussion on what alcohol means in your life - how you would define your relationship with alcohol to yourself and to others.  Your different perspectives help give understanding and insight into what challenges present with such an addiction or, for some, a disease.
Great avatar Jessica and dvdb said it well by adding "what the caterpillar calls the end of a life, the master calls a butterfly.."  
Whether you are working at cutting back the amount you drink or abstaining completely, how do you see yourself at this point in your journey?  How has your relationship to alcohol changed?
for 12 år siden 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hello...i hav learned that for me alcohol is a disease....the solution for me is not to drink..period...take the tests on this site about your alcohol use.....even fudging my answers i was in the highest % of people classified as problem drinkers...awareness and finding something that works for you is a blessing....iam grateful to hav this gorilla off my back....which reminds me of a joke...addiction is like making love to a gorilla, it isnt over till the gorilla says it is....hav a good day...also...what the caterpillar calls the end of a life, the master calls a butterfly..
for 12 år siden 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not sure if you got my underlying message in my last post... it's not about what AA thinks and says... it's about the slippery slope that humans are on when they put alcohol to their lips... Not just alcoholics, but all human beings..

 Alcoholics and real-addicts are born with it. However few normal drinks could cross the line due to excessive alcoholics. I don't believe in your theory that all human beings get into in your own terms 'slippery slope'. You can look around in your own life (of course not your boy friend) I mean outside, in Bars and restaurants. Most people would order just a Beer or a glass of Wine. And thats it. They would even leave it alone when they get their food. There are few people like me would order 1 drink and then the allergy would kick in and then I would order more. Food will be the last thing in my mind.

Also you need to remember its a progressive disease. Early in my drinking career, the binges were far part, but as my drinking progress, the gaps between the binges shrunk. 
for 12 år siden 0 61 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been sober a week now ... my bf is out drinking tonight, I've decided to stay home.  I have decided to quit drinking because I want to, not because anyone is nagging me...

I'm not sure if you got my underlying message in my last post... it's not about what AA thinks and says... it's about the slippery slope that humans are on when they put alcohol to their lips... Not just alcoholics, but all human beings.. 

becoming addicted to 'substances' is a gradual sneaky process.  I don't think there is a 'normal drinker'.  Perhaps a 'normal drinker' is just a person who is not yet addicted to alcohol?  Given the right (or wrong) situation or circumstance (an epic fail in ones personal life, loss of job, death of child/parent) and our lovely 'normal drinker' could be as hooked as any of us... 

A normal person can become susceptible to addition in any situation where he or she might not want to deal with or recognize emotions, or any other type of significant life event.  That is why I question the theory of 'normal drinkers' 
for 12 år siden 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"Physicians who are familiar with alcoholism agree there is no such thing a making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic."

What they are saying is you are doomed. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. Its like once you make pickle you can't make a cucumber out of it. Also,moderation is out of equation for an alcoholic. This is because of the physical allergy doctors talk about it, once we put one drink our body we cannot control the amount we will consume. I always would start the evening with just a bottle or two in mind. But invariably I would have drank more than originally planned for. Once in a while to defend myself I might limit myself, to get my wife of my back. But then, I would start lying about the amount of liquor I consumed. If I drank 8 beers I would say I drank 2. Once to prove to my counselor that I can manage my booze I stayed dry for a month, but I went back to the old ways they day after that.
for 12 år siden 0 18 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Sounds like you are having the same questions I asked of the educators Re: moderation?? Not sure if it can be done?
supporting you what ever you choose!!!

for 12 år siden 0 61 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm unsure of this part: 
"Physicians who are familiar with alcoholism agree there is no such thing a making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic."

What is a 'normal drinker'?  Is that like saying casual heroine user? or occasional smoker?  

Is there a such thing as 'normal use' of an addictive substance?  Doctors and dealers and alcoholics will tell anyone not to start because you get hooked without even knowing it.  This applies to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and for some people eating habits as well.

becoming addicted to alcohol is 'natural' it is a chemical reaction in the brain that causes it, not unlike  cigarettes and cocaine.

What would you say to me or anyone if it was said that.. 'I only spend 300 on cocaine each weekend... I'm not addicted' .. then what would you say if the same person said that they only drink 300 with their friends at the bar on friday nights but dont drink again till the following friday.... 

I would think both of these activities are equally dangerous.. its only a matter of time before the cocaine or booze creeps in on a thursday night, or a monday morning eye opener.... 

the idea of a 'normal drinker' is insane in my opinion.. we are all at risk of the same addictions, its just our circumstances and environment that determine whether we become 'problem drinkers and problem cocaine addicts'

Just my opinion... 
for 12 år siden 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thxs foxman.....what i hav learned is that i do hav a desire not to drink...being an alcoholic i know that i will 4ever hav to b vigilant not to drink..as much as i loved drinking...it was my serenity in a bottle....alcohol is a disease for me....a progressive one.....i am grateful because this forum and AA are also the answers to my depression and hav directed me towards a btr life
for 12 år siden 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"i hav no interest in drinking at all even though there is bze in her place...at xmas i hadnt consumed for 2 months yet when i had some cake that was laced with rum i immediately wanted a drink ...so with no thought at all i had a few drinks..."

The rum in the cake should have triggered the phenomenon of craving and forced you to take those additional drinks. I would never store booze in my house. But, everyday I would con myself into buy a tall bottle of beer. And once I took that one, I will be taking several trips to gas station/package store for several of tall beers.

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