As you all know I didn't get into Mac for the program I was hoping for. It made me feel down, and frustrated. I recieved word from the board of OACETT - Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologist. I am a certified Technologist.
Lots of work to be done as I don't feel I am at the level I should be. I am working away at refreshing all of my math and science courses. I have also indulged into a Industrial Process control Certificate, and others to come. My addiction pisses me off, but I feel satisfied to learn everyday.
Addiction may put shackles on me, but it always forgets to take the key. That is where it takes the individual power to over come it. It's given me the key many times and I didn't know what to do with it.
I still want to drink everyday, but I know, it won't help.
Alchohol always makes me feel like I'm something, even if I am alone. I want to be something without it.