It's amazing how much better you can feel from what you consider your 'normal'. Your determination to significantly cut back on the alcohol is inspiring. Hold on to this great feeling when you find yourself contemplating a drink. Take it one day at a time and challenge yourself to abstain on weekend nights as well - let us know how you do.
I just deleted my entire post, so now I have to start again...arghh! I cut back or didn't have any drinks for most of the days this week and what a difference it made! I always thought I didn't really get hangovers but after a couple nights of no alcohol or very little alcohol, I felt like a new person! I actually woke up hungry! During those days, I felt more hopefull and happy too. I just wanted to share because I thought I was doing okay drinking during the week, but now I feel even more resolve to not drink! I did over do it last night, but I guess I can justify it was Saturday night?? I hope others can make it a few days and see how much better you feel. I'm still sort of in shock what a difference it made.