Hi everyone
Wow thank you so much ! really ..thank you . I am feeling better and especially now after reading everyones posts. Some days have been ok , some good and others like yesterday. It is true that I probably make much more of things then others do, and when others mess up or do dumb things when drunk it really doesn't even phase me...maybe cause i am a drunk and am fully aware due to experience of what alcohol does .but likeyou said I will keep moving forward ...well I will be going forward regardless but this time AF and hoping i am learning . Thank you so much this really made my day ...i appreciate everyone ones support here and I am wishing you a great day to day and always .
Hi Junes,
Who among us has ever said, “Boy, I’m so glad I did everything just right because my life is truly perfect.” Likely, the more oft used refrain is “woulda, shoulda, coulda.” But, we didn’t. Whatever we did in the past seemed like a good idea at the time otherwise we wouldn’t have done it. That includes abusing ourselves with whatever, whether driven by past hurts, peer pressure, low self esteem, or the love of the high, we did it, embrace it, its part of who we are.
So now as we play that annoying loop in our heads (woulda, shouda, couda), rather than lamenting, why not develop proactive measures to create the type of now that you want to remember as “I am so very happy I did that!”
I believe that is exactly what you’re doing now by eliminating the thing that was causing you to loathe yourself. There are tools to help you with the now and with the past. But, you need to use them to be effective. One of the things you may want to give some consideration is hypnotism. In the short term you could see a professional to give you that boost and in the long term you can practice self hypnosis which is really nothing more than deep relaxation techniques. It teaches you skills to rid yourself of negative thinking patterns and turn them into positives. Check it out on the net…free.
So, for your “now,” why not turn that woulda, shoulda, coulda into want, can, will!
Hi Everyone
i have to just post my feelings today . I am having a hard day...I dont really want to drink its more thinking about the past ( which i know is the past) but just how i threw everything away for the party and how i really dont have much now...my mother is struggling and i cannot even help her( financially etc) I dont know if I am feeling sorry for myself or jsut really sad and mad at myself or both but getting overwhelmed with emotion right now ( what i have ran from for 20 plus years through alcohol) . i am not going to drink but man am I having a hard time with these emotions I just want to cry all day today.
anyhow i dont want to be a downer or a negative nancy jsut need some words any words of advice or tips or anything really
Hope everyone is doing well