I like your topic. Interesting way to look at things.....I kind of think it's both. We might accidentally find ourselves in a situation we aren't able to handle. But, at times we know where we are going and how we are getting there. But, one thing is for sure that it's hard to stop once it starts---like an accident. I am going to have to think about this some more to get more of an opinion....but, like I said I like the topic...very interesting! :-) Thanks!
In my line of work I deal with work related accidents on a regular basis. One of the most common causes of workplace injuries is Slip (Trip/Falls). For the most part following investigations into those accidents, the result will reveal an unintentional action that was not foreseen.
How about an alcohol Slip/sobriety Slip, are those accidents too? Are they unintentional and unforeseen? What control measures can we implement to avoid re-occurrence?