Excellent progress me101! The video's a great idea. I've always thought that I wish I had made a video of myself completely annihilated so I could refer back to it when I wanted to drink. It's been quite awhile since I was in that state. All I can say is life will continue to get better and better the longer you stay away from.
Well it is Saturday. I was really happy waking up this morning sober. My pizza was really good last night,and so was the movie. Tonight it is Lasagna with a movie I picked up at the library. I have also made a video to myself on my phone. I have two videos actually one I made after my 4 day relapse. Telling myself that it was just not worth it any more. I was pretty messed up on that one, and the other is me this morning telling myself all the steps to follow in order to avoid a relapse, and to show myself the difference between a sober me, and me hungover. Sometimes I just do not do what I am suppose to do, or I forget important details. I am hoping that by having a video of myself, before, and after the battle that I will have a better chance. Well at least I see myself, and what I look like after a 4 day drinking bender. I am trying, and for now that is the best that I can do.