A week is great. You sound very positive about this lifestyle change. Keep checking in to make yourself accountable and continue to have your guard up. Moderation is very difficult to maintain. If you notice yourself slipping it might be a cue to abstain for a period.
I hope you are having a great summer. Looking forward to hearing updates from you :)
Nice work MurphMom! It sounds like things are moving in a positive direction for you. You said, "it's only been a week..." A week is a week, don't discredit your accomplishment! :) Think about a month ago, would you have thought you would have done this past week? I hope things continue to improve for you.
I'm happy to report that one week after finding out how bad off my marriage really was, we are seeing definite progress. Not only have my husband and I talked quite a bit, but I've cut red wine (my bugaboo) out of my life at least until I seem to have a better handle on moderation, had a couple of drinks WITH my husband (and haven't lapped him like I've done in the past), and have been really trying to be present. It's only a week, but I think we really stand a chance!