For me the only exercise i do is tai chi seems to help in a panic attack. along with the breathing and slow movements thinking about the movements and what comes next helps the feeling to pass. it has taken a while though.
It is always best to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. They can be beneficial in helping you with a program that is right for you.
Hope this helps,
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hi Angel just wanted to share my thoughts,ok so they tell us that we get a hit of adrenalin when we have a panic and since we arnt faced with imediate danger one would have to think that exercising would burn off the adrenalin so too speak??What are your thoughts?
Ok i just did a work out for 15 min. It made my breathing worse. I think its because i was nervous about my breathing and i was thinking about it the whole time. I'm just scared right now. I'm trying to control it.
any suggestions? (and not about going to the doctor because i already checked out my lungs and everything is fine). But somehow i keep thinking something is wrong.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate anxiety :p
HI everyone! I just have a question. Is it ok to do exercise when im' experiencing anxiety? For example, my breathing is a bit heavy now. I want to do exercise but i fear that it will get worse cause i wont' be able to catch my breath. Do u think exercise will help me in this situation? or make it worse?
just need some advice
thank you kindly.
btw, i just downloaded the CBT buddies. I hope to find you online!!