Angel i am sorryto hear you have those annoying symptoms, i agree with everyone who says go see your doctor and have it checked out. I mean it can't hurt. And it is his job to check you out so just insist if you have to. My doctor always checks out any symptoms i ask her to and it always makes me feel better. She knows that just cause i have anxiety/panic doesn't mean it will always be a apnic thing. so go to your doctor and get reassured, is what i would do.
Now that i have sais that i will say tho, that when i am very stressed i sometimes get very bad headaches. Sometimes it startsin my back migrates up to my neck and jaw then up to my head. Other time it is just like a sharp circular pain around my head. Other times it is a sharp pain on only one side of my head. Now i have had an eeg done before about this and all was well. So i was assured it is just a symptoms of anxiety tension. Tension builds up and then i get headaches. Been dealing with this for years.
As for the dizzy spells. This is a new one for me. I have been getting major dizzy spells. There are three kinds: 1- Everything seems to be moving and i feel like i will tip over (i think it is du to me not breathing properly when anxious lol). 2- the world is still but something in my head is spinning. (I attribute that to breathing also hehehe) 3- My head feels heavy and my eyes get blurry and my eyes want to close on their own and i get dizzy. (I attribute that one to be overtired.) Well so oup to now those dizzy spells scare me a bit but i figure hmm had them for months now they haven't gotten worse and i am ok so meh! I try to not let it get to me and i just do my day. So this is it, you are not the only one with that kind of symptom. And what are the odds all of us with that symptom are sick?
But i will have it cheked out anyway, by my doctor when i see her for my annual appointment later this spring lol just because i like reassurance :P
Anyway, hope this at least makes you feel less alone with this.