Hi rodslife,
Yes, this program is useful for a large variety of panic and anxiety symptoms.
Regarding your homework question, here is some clarification of the forms:
Complete an Anxious Thoughts Recording Form when you€™re feeling anxious or avoiding something. You don€™t have to complete an Anxious Thoughts Recording Form every time you're anxious or avoiding but try to complete at least one per day. You can download blank copies from your Session Diary. Print off as many Anxious Thought Recording Forms as you think you€™ll need. Put them in a binder or a place where you can be easily retrieved. Use the form to monitor and record your physical sensations, thoughts, and behaviors when you are feeling anxious or avoiding something. Try to complete at least one form per day.
Complete a Panic Attack Recording Form right after an attack. It€™s important to complete the form as quickly as possible. If you put off completing the recording form, you may forget the details of your attack. You can download black copies of these recording forms from your Session Diary.
It's okay to complete all of your recording forms at the end of the day. However, most people tend to forget how intense their attacks are a few hours after the attack takes place. Sometimes your memory may play tricks on you €“ you may remember an attack being more intense or less intense than it actually was. If you can€™t complete the form right after an attack, do so as soon as possible. Some people complete their forms during breaks at work. Other people complete their forms twice a day, once at lunch and once in the evening. The sooner you complete the form after a panic attack, the better.
Each time you complete a recording form, record the date and time the panic attack occurred. Record as much detail as possible: where it happened, what you were doing, and who you were with. Record whether the panic attack was expected or unexpected and whether you can identify a trigger or cue or not. Next rate your maximum fear during the panic attack on a scale from 0 to 10, with "0" being no fear at all and "10" being as anxious as you have ever been.
If you€™ve been filling out your Symptom Tracker entries on paper, enter the data from your recording forms into your Symptom Tracker once a day,