Thanks Cheryl and Danielle!
I did managed to get out for a little walk. But it was hard! I'm still feeling very anxious. And sad for letting all this take over me.
Thanks for your advice! It's precious to me!
And be sure I'm here too to help and support others.
Let's put it down as one bad day huh?
Sorry to hear that your having a bad day. Time to start working at it. I agree with dcheryl83' advice. Work up to it slowly.
Baby steps, check back soon.
The PC Support Team
Hey Anabel. Its been a couple of hours since your post, I hope you log back on and let us know how you are. I know you are going thru a terrible time. Take some deeps breaths and just open the door. You don't have to go outside, just open the door and stand there for 30 seconds. Wear your watch and count down the seconds. Tell yourself its only 30 seconds. Let your mind concentrate on each second that goes by as you count them down, its a small step and I know you can do it.
I couldn't make it to my therapist today... I actually haven't left the house and it's past lunch time... I'm trying to gather the nerve to go outside and walk my dog.
I feel like... I can't tell you how I feel! I don't know! I'm mad and disappointed at myself! But it's stronger than me. I can't control all this anxiety. My mind goes into a spin... I move one step forward and two steps back...
I don't wish this my anyone! It's like i'm trapped inside my own mind! I need your help!