Hi Jo,
It sounds like you have seen the doctor and have had some concerns addressed. Please try to find comfort in what they have already assessed you for. Panic can cause a wide variety of symptoms. If your symptoms get worse or do not resolve, you may want to follow up with them.
Please take the time to utilize some of the features available to you on the site. If you have not done so already, you may want to use the online program to assist in your preparations for your upcoming trip.
Keep us posted on your progress,
The Panic Center Support Team
Hi guys, just want a chat really I am getting the past week tingly hand mainly my right hand but sometimes left to feels like I have hit my funny bone and then your hand tingles but it lasts all day constant and is really stressing me, I had been doing good until this popped up out of no where car'nt go to docs as they will think I am mad as seem toi go for every strange feeling, this is scaring me a bit which then gives me other funny feelings, I am going on holiday soon am have been getting nervous about that that I haven;t had a big holiday for a few years due to health reasons but am going on a big trip and am terrified about it really, want to enjoy it but if I get this I know I will start feeling funny.