Hello all;
Been a while since I've written. You might say I am not feeling the best right now, but I can feel myself coming to a turnaround.
I seem to go 2-3 weeks of feeling pretty good, and then the wheels seem to get a bit mixed.
The problem right now is severe OCD with a bit of anxiety that leads to panic and depression. Yes, you've been there, most of you anyway. But it still never is an invited guest.
In the past year, or so, I've gotten engaged, married, and we're buying a house and I changed jobs after nearly 8 years with the same company. I'm hoping to find a relaxation point where my mind will stop this nasty cycle of OCD, anxiety, panic and depression/sadness.
I feel by coming here and venting again, I can leave some of it where people understand and maybe even help a few.
I know some of you remember me and I hope you're all doing well.
it's kind of strange: Do you ever get to a point where you feel so good it's like you never felt bad before, and then the opposite happens... you get to a low point and the fear becomes very trying and you feel as if you've felt that way for a month or so. Well, that about explains my feelings when they're good and bad.
This morning I was feeling so sad and scared I nearly wanted to play hookey from work, but my lovely wife encouraged me to start my day and, wouldn't you know it, I made it through the day and was fairly productive at work. There's another issue: Work. I need to change jobs. * hours behind a computer in the corner of a room in a cubicle is not the best idea for someone with panic, anxiety or any type of stress disorder.
OK, time for me to go. Thanks to anyone who reads this and I'll be back soon.
Take care,
David the Wrestler