Well it will sometimes rise for no reason.. and other times it will rise when im asked to work.. mowning the lawn for exmaple I start to worry the exercise were harm me. So it def. will go up then or when I just plain old think about it.
Please take time to re-visit your doctor and ask for advice. We are always here to help challenge your thoughts and many members have advised regarding this symptom. Take the time to keep a journal and note when and where this raise in pulse may be coming from. This may better help assess the situation :)
Keep Strong,
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hey, I figured I should start off with my age and gender 20 year old male. On the 26th of sept. I had an attack which scared me about my heart .. fast ... slow .. skipped a beat or something also.. had to wake up my father I was so afraid. He told it was just anxiety.
Since then I have been worrying non-stop and checking my pulse constantly.. its slow I get scared fast I get scared skips a beat I get really scared.
I Have slight chest pain both on the chest and under the arms , my Jaw also has pain as does my left arm my back and my shoulders not to mention my neck.
I am now paranoid of skipped beats also I think I can feel them coming. I took my blood pressure over the course of I believe 35 minutes
124/79 pulse 88
124/77 Pulse 101
123/66 Pulse Unknown (forgot to write it)
128/84 Pulse 95
128/84 Pulse 96
125/81 Pulse 97
134/83 pulse 97
136/94 pulse 115
im fearing my heart will stop and ill basiclly keel over dead.. I had a physical a few days before this all started.. both pulse and BP were checked she said they were high and I seemed really anxious.. but she said nothing else on the subject. What do you guys think?
P.s might Gas have a role in it since I find I burp alot.