Thanks for sharing. Have you been keeping a journal? This will help you pinpoint when, where and perhaps why this is happening. Keep writing everyday and use your Doctor to help assess the situation better.
Use the program to help challenge those thoughts that are causing this. We are always here to help, so please post :)
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hi Everyone, I have not posted for a while as since I gace up my job in June and have been working with a friend a couple of days a week I have been doing really good, I get my moments especially when I am going into to town, I am trying to drive the car on my own which is still a huge problem for me as soon as I get in it I start feeling distant and like I am somewhere else and not with it but I have done it a couple of time.
The reason I am writing now is I have felt odd all weekend suddenly like I am not with it and everuthing strange and feel like my body as gone to relaxed and like I am going to pass out (I picture having things wrong and passing out all the time) and I often picture I am somewhere else than where I am (is this odd is there soemthing strange happenenig). I do not want to start with the feelings etc as I have been doing really good and people have commented on how good I have been doing and I am scared.