In the past I would just get very tense and feel my heart racing when I had anxiety, but just as I was conquering these problems, new symptoms popped up with totally different triggers. Now, when doing the things that used to help me relax most (driving, going to the movies, and going out to eat) I suddenly feel like I'm going to pass out. It's very frustrating. This change took place right after the last time that I actually did pass out (from something that, throughout my life has always triggered fainting - hearing a really gory story). It was like after I woke up, I was still always on the verge of passing out again and it would take very little to push me over the edge. At first I thought it was a physical problem, but the doctor found nothing wrong. Since then it has clearly developed into a full-blown anxiety/panic problem. It seems to be getting worse. I have not actually passed out since that one time a few years ago, but in my life I have fainted LOTS of times (but only when getting a shot or at the sight of blood or upon hearing a gory story, etc.). My anxiety now has nothing to do with anything gory, but the feelings are exactly the same as the feelings that lead up to actually fainting. So here's the question - is it safe to tell myself, as the sight suggests, while driving that I will not/cannot pass out during a panic attack, or does the fact that I have actually fainted in the past make it a possibility for me now? This conflict has made driving the most troubling situation for me because I never know what to do - if I pull over, I'm feeding the anxiety problem... but if I don't and I pass out it would be REALLY bad. Advice?